A reference in the verification of tefillin
We offer the service to purchase, inspect, and repair your tefillin by a trained and experienced chamaim sofir. The tefillin and mezuzot we provide come with guarantees. We are also at your disposal to come and collect your tefillin at your home, your place of work, etc. Additionally, we are happy to help and advise you in purchasing tefillin for another source. Do not hesitate to contact us.
We also have a geniza to bury tefillin, parchments that would no longer be kosher, not recoverable or torn, according to Jewish law. Indeed, sacred objects should not be thrown in the trash. It is imperative to treat them with respect and bury them in a geniza. We are at your disposal to arrange their burial according to Jewish law.
Tefillin are black casings that contain scrolls. They are attached to the arm and head by leather straps. Only men, and young men who have reached the religious majority (age 13), have the obligation to put tefillin every day during the morning prayer (shaharit). Just like the mitzvah of placing mezouzot at the entrance of the house and at each of our doors, the mitzvah of putting the tefillin finds its origin in a passage of the Shema Israel. It reads, “You will tie them [these words] as a symbol on your arm, and wear them as a forehead between your eyes” (Deuteronomy 6, 8).
Ski 2021
Chers amis, Cette année encore, la Yéchiva Beth Yossef de Bussières s’apprête à offrir à ses étudiants un...
We offer a service of purchase, verification and repair of your scrolls. We are also at your disposal to...
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A pious and experienced Rabbi at your service for your Hupa How is it going to happen ? When...
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BETH YOSSEF Yeshiva offers you to do your kapparots with the rosh yeshiva Rav Nathan Yabra chlita Before the day...
Torah Classes
The first allusive source for this mitzvah is in the Torah, Deuteronomy 6, 7: "And you shall teach it...