Away from the turbulence of Parisian life, the yeshiva offers idyllic conditions to study
Ce Shabat
29/3/2025 – 29 Adar, 5785
- Paracha de la semaine: Pekudei
- Allumage des bougies: 18:57*
- Fin de Shabat: 20:05*
- Le Daf Yomi: סנהדרין ק
*heure de Paris
students develop in a green, pleasant and conducive to the life of authentic Judaism
Rabenou Guershon founded the institution Ohr Yosef in 1948. This institution currently has a Jewish school in Paris, a Beit Yaacov girls’ seminary in Bussières, and Yeshiva Beth Yosef.
This campus has all the necessities to allow students to live a fully Jewish life: Beth hamidrash, student residences, yeshiva, mikve maayan … And of course a dedicated and experienced team of Rabbanim who provide a high quality education. Any student, without distinction, who wishes to come to study and become strengthened by our yeshiva is welcome.
The Yeshiva Beth Yosef accepts all the students, as long as they share our hashkafa: that of living a Jewish life bearing the values of our holy Torah, filled with holiness, and love of mitzvot.
Today, the yeshiva is proud of its success and brings together more than a hundred students from all over the world. It is led by Rav Nathan Yabra. Through hard work and diligence our students deepen their knowledge to becomes Masters of the Torah

Rav Nathan Yabra, Shlita
Gathers students from all over the world and help them deepen their Torah knowledge, so that they all become Masters of the Torah.
The Yeshiva
A history. A success.
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